1. 重庆市科委面上项目,提升MnO氧化纳米酶在中性条件下的催化活性研究(bv1946NSCQ-MSX1646),bv1946.07-2026.07,主持。
2. 重庆市教委重点项目,以类普鲁士蓝MOFs为模型构建非贵金属高效析氢催化剂的研究(KJZD-K202100501),2021. 07-bv1946. 07,主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金项目,碳化钼纳米晶的控制合成及其3D自支撑析氢阴极的构筑(NSFC21601022),2017.1-2019.12,主持。
4. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,Mn-Co类“双中心”碱性析氢催化材料的设计、优化与控制合成(cstc2019jcyj-msxmX0528),2019.7-2022.6,主持。
5. 重庆市科委基础与前沿研究计划项目,生物质辅助合成高效非贵金属析氢催化材料的研究(cstc2015jcyjA90002),2015.8-2018.8,主持。
6. 重庆市教委科学技术研究项目,高活性联吡啶钌纳米探针的设计与应用(KJ110604),2011.1-2012.12,主持。
7. 重庆师范大bv1946级重点资助项目,Ru(II)络合物纳米材料的合成及其在DNA传感中的应用(12XLZ13),2013.1-2014.12,主持。
8. 重庆师范大学博士启动基金资助项目,联吡啶钌纳米材料的合成及其在生物传感中的应用研究(11XB009),2011.4-2013.4,主持。
1. S. Xiao, C. Wang, T. You, P. Huang, Q. Deng, P. Jiang*, P. Chen, D. He, Partial oxidation boosts Ru nanoparticles with excellent oxidase mimicking activity for melatonin colorimetric detection., Cryst. Growth Des. doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.4c01319.
2. T. You, S. Xiao, P. Huang, C. Wang, Q. Deng, P. Jiang*, D. He*, Localized photothermal effect of Co3O4 nanowires boosts its catalytic performance in glucose electrochemical detection, Inorg. Chem. Front., bv1946, 11, 6527.
3. J. Su, S. Xiao, T. You, C. Wang, P. Huang, P. Jiang*, D. He*,In-situ conversion of MnO nanoparticles with excellent oxidase-like activity in building fluorescent sensing platform for cysteine and Cu2+ sequential detection, Cryst. Growth Des., bv1946, 24, 4838-4846.
4. L. He, J. Su, T. You, S. Xiao, P. Huang, D. He, P. Jiang*, Rapid and facile preparation of NiFe-layered double hydroxide nanosheets as self-supported electrode for glucose detection in drink sample. Food. Chem., bv1946, 439, 138163.
5. J. Su, S. Feng, L. He, T. You, S. Xiao, C. Wang, P. Jiang*, D. He*, Controllable synthesis of MnO nanoparticles supported on porous carbon as a highly active oxidase mimic for dopamine detection. J. Alloy. Compd. bv1946, 976, 173091.
6. L. He, J. Su, T. You, S. Xiao, Y. Shen, P. Jiang*, D. He*, Mn incorporation boosted NiO nanosheets as highly efficient anode for sensitive glucose detection in beverage. LWT-Food. Sci. Technol. bv1946, 182, 114807.
7. F. Wen, T. Jiang, L. He, J. Su, P. Jiang*, D. He*, Z. Chen*, Ru incorporation for boosting Co3O4 oxidase-like activity in dopamine colorimetric detection. Appl. Surf. Sci. 2022, 603, 154434.
8. S. Feng, F. Wen, L. He, J. Su, P. Jiang*, D. He*, Facile synthesis of ultrathin MnO2 nanobelts anchoring on porous carbon with high oxidase mimetic activity for L-cysteine colorimetric detection. Sensor. Actuat. B- Chem. 2022, 361: 131745.
9. X. Wang, F. Wen, J. Su, L. He, P. Jiang*, D. He*, Engineering porous Co-Mn oxide nano sheets with abundant oxygen vacancy as an efficient oxidase-like mimic for heparin colorimetric sensing. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2022, 1198, 339564.
10. M. Huang, S. Feng, C. Yang, F. Wen. D. He, P. Jiang*, Construction of MnO2 nanosheet array 3D integrated electrode for sensitive enzyme-free glucose sensing. Anal. Methods, 2021, 13, 1247-1254.
11. D. He, M. Wang, X. Wang, S. Feng, J. Chen, P. Jiang*, Construction of ZnCo2O4 nanowire arrays 3D binder-free electrode with highly catalytic activity towards glucose oxidation. J. Solid. State. Chem., 2020, 284, 121214
12. M. Wang, X. Wang, S. Feng, D. He, P. Jiang*, Amorphous Ni-P nanoparticles anchoring on nickel foam as an efficient integrated anode for glucose sensing and oxygen evolution. Nanotechnology, 2020, 31, 455503.
13. X. Wang, S. Feng, D. He, P. Jiang*, Porous manganese–cobalt oxide microspheres with tunable oxidase mimicking activity for sulfide ion colorimetric detection. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 14098-14101.
14. S. Feng, M. Ming, M. Wang, X. Wang, D. He, P. Jiang*, Y. Chen*, Uniformly distributed ruthenium nanocrystals as highly efficient peroxidase for hydrogen peroxide colorimetric detection and nitroreductase for 4-nitroaniline reduction. Chem. Commun., 2020, 56, 12347-12350.
15. X. Wang, M. Wang, S. Feng, D. He*, P. Jiang*, Control synthesis of flower-like cobalt phosphate microsheet arrays supported on Ni foam as highly efficient 3D integrated anode for non-enzymatic glucose sensing. Inorg. Chem. Front. 2020,7,108-116.
16. M. Huang, H. Wang, D. He, P. Jiang*, Y. Zhang, Ultrafine and monodispersed Iridium nanoparticles supported on nitrogen-functional carbon: an efficient oxidase mimic for glutathione colorimetric detection. Chem. Commun., 2019, 55, 3634-3637.
17. M. Wang, D. He, M. Huang, X. Wang, P. Jiang*, In situ growth of Ni-B nanoparticles on Ni foam: An efficient 3D integrated anode for enzyme-free glucose detection. J. Alloy. Compd., 2019, 786, 530-536.